
Interactive visualisation of a user's profile.
The user map displays the current connections of the requested user to other users with similar (neighbourhood) and different music taste (outer space). The distance between the focused user and the neighbours is created by a neighbourhood calculation. Furthermore the map shows the activity of the user (transparency) and the amount of listened songs (size). The user's top ten artists display the area of taste.

On mouse over the map shows the neighbour's name and profile data (last login, songs in profile).
Change the display mode between random, spiral and animate.
Load in users' pictures.

On click of a user the profile will be replaced by the requested user's profile.
An input field to display a specific user.
On click of a top artist the USER MAP will be replaced by the ARTIST MAP and shows the artist's network.

Interactive visualisation of an artist's network.
The network of an artist displays similar artist and the artist's biggest fans. The distance between a fan and the artist represents the amount of listened songs from this artist compared to the total amount of listened songs. The size of a fan represents the size of the profile. Similar artists are created by a similarity calculation based on the taste of people.

On mouse over of a fan the map displays the fan's name and profile data (last login, songs listened total and listened from this artist plus the ratio).
Change display mode between random, spiral and animate.
Load in users' pictures.

On click on a similar artist the network will be replaced by the requested artist's network.
An input field to display a specific artist.
On click of a fan the ARTIST MAP will be replaced by the USER MAP and shows the user's neighbourhood.
<music map> <semio music> <user and artist space>